Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Advent Calendars and Tissue Box Covers, plus

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Well! I can't believe time is flying by so quickly. A few weeks ago it was Labor Day, last week was Halloween and now it's Thanksgiving. Holy Cow! Where is the time really going? Is there a hole somewhere that swallows up chunks of time like the sock monster that steals single socks - never to be retrieved? It certainly feels like it.

Last week we had our first snow of the year. Before Thanksgiving! That's a big deal in the Central Piedmont area of North Carolina. Okay, so it was only a dusting, but schools were delayed 2 hours and it was cold and windy enough that the dusting remained in the shadows all day. It was very pretty and not a driving hazard, so we loved it. Okay, you weathered Yankees, laugh at us! I used to be a Yankee, but I've been in the south so long it's kind of crept into my bones. That's a good thing.

November is National Adoption Awareness Month and working for the NC Kids Adoption and Foster Care Awareness Network (the state's resource exchange), we are invited to attend a lot of events across the state. I had the opportunity to attend a "Calling Out" ceremony in Hickory, NC. The name of each child in foster care waiting for a permanent adoptive home in Catawba County was written on a balloon and as each name was read, the person holding his/her balloon released it. Not to fear for those concerned that balloons end up in the ocean or water to choke sea/wildlife. It was so cold that nearly all of the balloons withered immediately and fell to the ground. It was a nice gesture and I was glad to attend and show our support.

I mentioned that a couple of weeks ago Steve and I drove to Seagrove, NC - the land of potters. Cady Clayworks is one of my favorite potteries there and we managed to purchase several Christmas gifts. Steve also purchased mine - which won't find it's way under the tree, but is great exactly where it is. Cady carries more than pottery. They have baskets, candles, some wall art, and this...

Beautiful yard art. I love how you can see the shadow on the fence behind them. We had to move the praying mantis that he bought me for Valentine's Day and I think it's hysterical how he looks like he's sneaking up on the flowering tarragon.

A few weeks ago I asked the Quilt Art Digest for some ideas on making an Advent Calendar for Sarah. I received several interesting suggestions, but many included using traditional patterns that I wasn't familiar with and not really ready to tackle for this kind of project. Susan Brubaker Knapp sent me a link to her website (http://bluemoonriver.com/) (sorry - I don't know how to make links on the blog yet)where she has a fabulous pattern for a gingerbread Advent Calendar. It was very cute, but I didn't really want a pattern. I did, however, borrow her method of attaching the days/numbers and will pay her for the pattern for that inspiration, as I don't know that I would have come up with that method. But I am happy with how it came out.

I had also mentioned on the QA digest that I wanted to make tissue box covers for Christmas gifts. This started a good thread of people discussing what they make, why they like or don't like making gifts, and some who seemed to consider it again. I had made a house a' la Jane Davila from the Quilting Arts Gifts magazine, but wasn't sure how to connect something with an attached top (the house roof is glued on). Thanks to Karen Fridy (www.designerstitches.blogspot.com) for her simple explanation of making a "cross" and stitching the sides to the top first. Karen, it was so easy I can make them in my sleep now, and I am a total visual learner. Here are the two prototypes with only a little threadwork for embellishment on the redish one;

So now Thanksgiving creeps up stealthily and before we know it - it will seem like next week will be Christmas or Hannukah. Wow. But I am close enought to be ready. Lighter budget this year, some handmade gifts and lots of cheer. I hope all of the Americans have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that all of the Candians had a great one, as well.
So - see ya later!

1 comment:

-k. said...

ps- Mommy...'er I mean Sarah.... just loves the advent calendar too!!! ;O))