Wow. Time really does fly! Keri reminded me last night that I hadn't blogged in a long time, so I'm trying to catch up. Christmas has come and gone and it's nearly a new year. I guess one of my resolutions should be to blog more frequently. I'll certainly try.
Someone on the Quilt Art Digest posted on their blog about name tags for Christmas packages. I thought mine were pretty cool. Here's what they looked like:

I took photos of everyone and made tags. The idea was so that Sarah could pass out the gifts without having to be able to read. Great concept, but she was too involved in her own gifts so Ian played Santa.
And here is our little Christmas Princess in her red and white velvet dress.

She was obviously too engrossed in getting her present opened to even look up for me to take her picture. But that's what gifts are for.
In the last blog I posted some photos of the tissue box covers I made. I ended up making 11! They were so easy and so much fun. Here's the one I kept for myself. Pretty ingenious, eh?

The fabric is a hand dye from Lyric Kinard. It just screamed fish bowl. I drew some goldfish and stitched on along with some cool "coral". Simple, but fun. Now I have to redecorate my bathroom around this! The box covers only take about an hour and a half, a little more if you thread paint and/or embellish, as I did with most of them.
And if I don't have enough photos of my little princess, here's one Christmas night. She and Mommy were dancing to Bella Dancerella. Sarah is wearing an old nightgown of mine tied at the waist with a Christmas ribbon.

Mommy doesn't like me to post photos of her, so I cropped her out. I couldn't believe how much energy Sarah still had at 8 p.m.!
So - our Christmas was wonderful. Fast and furious as always. I hope everyone out there had a wonderful holiday and now we are looking forward to a New Year. Wow. Seems like last year was the new millenium.
Resolutions? Yes, I'm going to make some. Some common and usually broken. Some, I hope, will stick and make me a better person/mother/wife/artist. Guess we'll see. So -
1: I resolve to go to Curves 3 times a week to get my exercise and keep my husband from constantly asking me if I'm going to go or are we just paying them for empty space. Oh - and lose that 10 lbs I've gained since last February. Hopefully Curves will help with that.
2: I want to begin the Where I Stand Sunday on my blog. I love the concept and I am always curious to see where they are.
3: I am taking a beading class at Quilt University beginning Jan. 23rd. I really want to try to embellish a bit more. I think that will also help me move in a different direction with my art. A little less realism. Maybe. Or just realism with a few beads. We'll see where that takes me.
4: I want to reorganize my studio. There have been some wonderful suggestions on Quilat Art Digest on how people have done theirs and I plan to look back at some of those for inspiration and help.
I think that's enough. If I keep any of them, I'll be way ahead of the game.
How about you? Have you made resolutions? Or have you given up on them? I'd love to hear from you!