Sunday, January 4, 2009


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In my last post I wrote that I wanted to begin the Where I Stand Sunday group. Well, this is where I'm standing. I've had this nasty head stuff since Wednesday (New Year's Eve!) and haven't been out of the house since Wed. morning. Pretty much staying as close to the tissues as possible. Bummer.

I don't want to set goals and don't consider this so much a resolution, but another thing I decided I want to do is show more work on my blog. A lot of people on the QA digest stated that they enjoy seeing WIP (work in progress), as well as finished work, rather than reading about how sick we are or seeing our (glorious) kids and grandkids. So - I will try to do more of that.

In that vein, here are some photos of my latest WIP. First is the original sketch (I don't draw well, but I can usually get the idea down.)

It's not very straight, but you get the idea. This is a milkweed plant. The sketch was small so I scanned it into PhotoShop and printed it out much larger. It is now 17" x 22". And you can see that I added additional plants to the larger version. I didn't want just a single, lonely milkweed plant by itself.

You can also see the sketching (doodles) of some Monarch caterpillars and the various Monarch stages. The butterflies were threadpainted - some on 100% cotton duck and some on Vilene. They are not all shown in this photo. The milkweed pods are in progress and I don't have a photo of them. They're a secret. ! (In case they don't work out - at which time I'll post a photo so you don't try the same thing).

So - what do you think?


frazzledsugarplummum said...

I love it ! I don't know milkweed in Australia. The butterflies really show up beautifully on the plant leaves. Look forward to seeing it finished.

Jenny Williams said...

Thanks Shirley! Let's hope the rest works out so the butterflies have somewhere to land!

-k. said...

OOOHHHHHHH.....I've got butterlies! Lol...
seriously though. It looks great!(but you know how I like my wing'ed insects). :O)

Jenny Williams said...

Just wondering what butter lies are. Are they real lies or made up lies, or sweet lies, or creamy lies? Or are they even lies at all? 8>) Luv u!